Request Form

Your input is needed! Play an important role in deciding where VIDEOTOPIA will go!

Listed below are 21 museums which are currently considering VIDEOTOPIA. Choose the one closest to you which you would like VIDEOTOPIA to appear at, and submit it to us. All requests will be sent as petitions to the appropriate museums in the hope of encouraging them to sign on before they miss out on the tour.

Your name is required. Requests without names are completely useless. Thank you!

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

Your Name (REQUIRED!) : 
Your E-mail Address   : 
City & State/Country  : 
(or mailing address)

Select the museum you'd like VIDEOTOPIA to travel to.

Additional Comments, to be read by your chosen museum :
- This section cannot be used to send questions or comments to us.
- Please write to the Electronics Conservancy at


VIDEOTOPIA and Electronics Conservancy are registered trademarks of The Electronics Conservancy, Inc. All rights reserved. All photos (c)1997, 1998 Electronics Conservancy. All videogames, characters, brand names, and trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.